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Campaign History

Early Years


Timeline of the settlement and early construction of Nexus Prime.

Second version of early timeline from Rod Halfking:

Working Timeline


Mica, Aragorn, and Bif go to Earth in the 1980's. Dr. Wiley writes important physics papers, Bif becomes a celebrity wrestler.

Dragon Mountain - dragon escapes

Spidermoon (The Needle) - the Nak must flow!

Destabilization of Harn through excessive technology.

Collapse of Krynn, lost dragon war. Takhisis' ascendancy after Mica created a power vacuum by banishing Chemosh with a sphere of Annihilation. Chemosh can't return to Krynn for a hundred years, the undead armies all die. Takhisis intervenes on the part of at least one Death Knight (possibly Lord Soth?), making it human again.

The Irda Tree, at that point the last standing tree of its forest, is rescued. Seth turns it into a red haired half-elven lady who returns with the party to Nexus Prime.

Raistlan blows up the Superbalas. It is raised again and used for the evacuation of Dragons and other Good survivors of Krynn to Arda.

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  1. Paladin in Hell - party returns with many corrupt artifacts.
  2. Harmonica of Hell blown.
  3. Mica2 turns grey.
  4. Gunslinger gives up on the The Party.
  5. Eltán arrives in pocket plane.
  6. The Party goes to Freddy's castle.
  7. Madoc kills Freddy.
  8. Elder god awakes, drains magic, starts collapse of pocket plane.
  9. Mystery resurrection of Freddy.
  10. We flee the collapsing pocket plane.
  11. Bif gets his curse removed, and gets a new body. Everyone now remembers Bif as Crom Thorson.
  12. The Party detours through Asgard / Valhalla on the way home.
  13. Mica "Wiley" of the Nine speaks with Hela in the great hall.
  14. Kane prays to Aslan, many of our magic items are restored.
  15. Eltán fails to reform Freddy.
  16. Crom Kills Freddy.
    1. With a party including:
  17. Mica1 meets his daughter Murbella of the Nine.
  18. Eru tells Eltán that Ar Pharazon and the Numenoreans have awoken, be ready! Eltán relays this to the The Party, and founds the W.A.T.C to fund building fleet strength through the creation of a merchant navy. Also begins the Signal Network, the Fortification Initiative, the Spellcaster Recruitment and Training Initiative, and other readiness projects.

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  1. Intelligence gained re. Cult of Sauron seeking the Crucible and Avatar of Sauron. The Imperial Dispatch and Peacekeepers are tasked to get more information, to root out or at least compromise and infiltrate the Cult, and to find the Crucible and Avatar before they do.
  2. Representatives of the Agency find us in Arda, invite us back to Earth to close a gate based on calculations from a paper written by Dr. Wiley in the 1980's.
  3. Party goes to Earth.
  4. Agency turns hostile, party escapes from Boston facility. Party recruits Pawn Store Owner, shops, and goes to Arkham. Kane gets a fedora.
  5. Party Recruits Physicist specializing in time travel, one Dr. Mallett, forgets him in van at Miskatonic with Pawn Store Owner, Samurai Archer and hookers.
  6. Party meets Miskatonic Librarian, recruits his apprentice.
  7. Mica learns Volcano Magic.
  8. Party goes to NY, looks for Dr. Strange, erases the existing sigil and leaves Mica's wizard mark as a calling card at his address (177A Bleeker Street, on the corner of Fenno Place in the heart of Greenwich Village).
  9. Party Recruits Goth Girl L1 MU with no spells.
  10. Party attacked by Agency personnel at Goth Girl's apartment.
  11. Bif knocks out both agents, and Mica mind-wipes them, leaving them hyper-paranoid about the agency backup personnel who are en route, and heavily armed. Probably didn't end well.
  12. Party goes to Maine, implodes the gate, and is thrown into the Hyborean Age.
  13. Bif smites the invading army of apemen, and Mica smites the wizard apprentice who leads them.
  14. Goth Girl survives implosion, Librarian's Apprentice dies, but Eltán raises dead and heals him.
  15. Party sent to druggie wizard by survivors, get alchemical preparations for time magic, take him with us.
    1. Druggie Wizard gives party toad that makes red astral / ethereal seeing powder.
    2. The Party discovers a succubus has been following Crom Thorson, Count Volsung; Doq'tor S. Kane banishes it.
  16. Crom Thorson kidnaps a monkey man from the nearby city.
  17. Mica wishes we knew where the evil book that the Druggie Wizard is ranting about is.
  18. Party finds LG tree aligned with Mithra shielding Iron Book of Skelos.
    1. Druggie Wizard falls into chaotic temporal stasis after forseeing distant doom.
    2. The Party contemplates how many evil artifacts we are guarding and the tree produces acorns for us.
    3. Mica and Kane find Druggie Wizard's book of time magic, use time magic to open it, Mica learns time magic.
    4. Doq'tor S. Kane shelters the glowing temporal stasis patch around Druggie Wizard with a stone hut / dome
    5. Eltán Talks to the tree, ineffectively.
    6. Kane gets a good Augury from Aslan about moving the tree.
    7. Eltán Apologizes to the tree, tells it we are taking it somewhere safe where it can protect the book.
    8. Kane de-ages the tree while Mica uses a ring of plant control to keep the roots wrapped around the book.
    9. As the tree gets down to the age of 600 years, in the morning of the third day, a face appears in gathering clouds, yellow sheep appear at the far end of the meadow, flying monkeys gather nearby, and rats attack the party.
      1. Crom Thorson, Count Volsung has a plan, which works brilliantly! (10/17/21)
      2. We give the librarian's apprentice and the goth girl guns
      3. They and the Monkey Man that Crom kidnapped watch Mica and Kane's back
      4. Eltán charges the rats with flaming sword and autoshotgun. The rats being undead, Eltán's armor glows blue and starts melting them faster than he can shoot or smite. Eltán springs back and forth (springing and striding) melting rats and occasionally shooting one.
      5. Crom takes a three step takeoff and flys to engage the monkeys.
      6. Monkeys throw jars, monkeys throw poo, they miss Crom. Crom makes a thunderclap, knocking many monkeys out of the air.
      7. The jars that the monkeys were carrying break open as they land releasing black protoplasm which crawls toward the tree and gathers in bigger chunks. One dying monkey manages to break his jar close to the tree.
      8. Kane opens a portal in front of the small chunk of crawly black stuff, teleporting it hundreds of miles away.
      9. Other blobs keep coagulating into bigger chunks.
      10. Crom, being up in the air, is the first to see a giant (60') grasshopper approaching from some miles away.
      11. Eltán falls back, still melting rats, and unleashes a cone of cold from his dragon amulet, which does nothing the the crawly black blobs.
      12. Mica raises a dome of force, which the black stuff starts piling up on.
      13. Crom smites more flying monkeys.
      14. Eltán raises a wall of fire from his Armor of Brilliance, which does deter the black oozing protoplasm.
      15. Unexpectedly, a Sumerian looking wizard in a black robe on a flying carpet flies in through portal.
        1. He and Crom look at eachother
        2. He points toward tree, and summons 6 giant skeletons with hearts of fire before flying right back through his portal and bailing.
        3. The skeletons charge the tree on the same side as the rats, opposite the blob piling up on the dome of force.
      16. Eltán and Kane raise their holy symbols and turn undead, reducing the skeletons to dust. The fire from their centers explodes on the outside of the dome of force.
      17. Crom takes off after the grasshopper, flying elegantly.
      18. Eltán changes drums on the autoshotgun, and sets out springing along the ground behind Crom to back him up.
      19. Black pudding nearly covers the dome.
      20. Crom discovers that the giant grasshopper has unusual riders:
        1. A giant white ape
        2. A very large dark ape
        3. And riding the large ape, a woman, with a skull helmet, a rod with a monkey paw, a belt with eagle skulls, and a lot of exposed skin covered in tatoos and ritual tribal scarring.
      21. Crom casts animal friendship on the ape, but the ape is above animal intelligence and shrugs it off.
      22. The giant ape throws a huge spear at Crom, but misses.
      23. Crom throws his hammer at the grasshopper, cracking it's carapace and staggering it.
      24. Eltán leaps in and chops the joint on it's foreleg with his flaming sword, slowing it further.
      25. The black pudding, hungry, leaves the frustration of the dome of force, breaks up into smaller chunks and goes looking for meals.
      26. The giant ape throws another spear at Crom, but misses
      27. The woman in the skull helmet throws a pair of magic missiles at Crom, giving him a small blister.
      28. Crom lands on the grasshopper and smites it with a flurry of blows from his hammer, nearly slaying it.
      29. Eltán tries to empty the autoshotgun into the grasshopper's belly, but it jams after one slug.
      30. The apes flee from the grasshopper's back, the smaller ape still carrying the woman.
      31. Eltán yells “Behave!” after them; Crom pursues.
      32. Crom strikes down the giant white ape from behind, with considerable splatter.
      33. Eltán chops off the leg of the smaller ape carrying the woman.
      34. The woman tumbles awkwardly to her feet, and Crom and Eltán realize that she is very pregnant. She throws a spider at Crom, missing, but the spider grows and comes back after him.
      35. Crom kills the spider.
      36. Eltán casts remorse, clapping his hand to the woman's forehead and shouting “Behave!”
        1. The woman repents, and tries to slink away.
        2. Eltán casts tongues and tells her to quit slinking, stand still and let him heal her before she harms her baby; gives her a lecture on prenatal safety (Including not riding giant grasshoppers around and hitting people). He heals her.
        3. Crom, in disgust, goes to finish off the grasshopper and as many of the flying monkeys as he can catch.
        4. Eltán takes away the monkey paw, and takes her to talk to the smart people (Kane and Mica). He tries to give them the monkey paw. She tells them that her master, apparently the giant ape, heard the book calling and led them to get it. She lived with her master, and has nowhere to go. Everyone tries to pass responsibility to someone else, Crom by telling Eltán to kill her, and Kane and Mica by telling her to follow Eltán.
      37. A small piece of black pudding tries to eat Eltán, but misses; he burns it with hand fulls of fire from the Armor of Brilliance. Most of the black pudding is eating the grasshopper.
      38. The tree is shrunk to where we can see the book peeking out from between the roots. Everyone notices that it is whispering in our heads. Kane and Mica start re-aging the tree as a Bonsai, trying to wrap the roots all the way around the book and cover it up completely, but the tree will not Bonsai appropriately and the book keeps whispering.
      39. Eltán forages behind a rock, finds a nice cushion and a pot of tea, serves those interested. He makes sure that the woman doesn't have any more dangerous things, stacks them neatly together, sits on the cushion, drinks tea, and watches over Kane, Mica, the woman, the Librarian's apprentice, the goth girl, the monkey man Bif kidnapped, the Druggie Wizard, and the pile of potentially evil potentially magic things till someone has time to deal with them (monkey paw rod, skull helmet, belt of eagle skulls, ?source of spiders?, …?)
      40. Crom keeps killing monkeys
    10. The Monkey Priestess tells Kane and Mica that her master referred to the Sumerian wizard as a great evil.
    11. Crom returns from killing monkeys
    12. Mica pronounces sentence on the Monkey Priestess, and Crom executes her.

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2023 Belfaux (2/26 earth, Early September Arda)

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3/5/23 Earth

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3/19/23 Game

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3/26/23 Game

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4/2/23 game

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4/23/23 Game

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7/1/23 Game

7/29/23 Game

8/5/23 Game

8/12/23 Game

9/30/23 Game


1/28/24 Game

5/11/24 Game

9/14/24 Game

11/9/24 Game

12/14/24 Game

12/15/24 Game

alignment, the character immediately loses the ability to memorize all but 1st and 2nd level spells and any granted power has a 50% chance to fail when used. The penalties remain until the character atones.

12/17/24 Afterward

Manzil al-Hamra